Monday, March 12, 2012

You're My Excuse To Travel

Exhausted couldn't be enough of a word to describe today. I am so tired from traveling but also just happy to have just gone to Virginia and NYC for the first time. I shot about 6 rolls of film as well as 3 disposable cameras during my trip. I took some digital, but I left my charger in Tallahassee, So the day I left Virginia I was only using film. I have some photos to share from Virginia, but im going to develop some of my NY film tomorrow (maybe half, and then the rest on my next pay check). I want to go back so bad already. The city was perfect and there was always something to do.

So here are some shots from Virginia, and hopefully I will be posting my nyc ones soon!!

on the train

hotel room

James and I taking photos at the dam

Tea Bazaar

Tarot card reading

guest dj Spirit Cat 

possible cover of their first album

Leya, dried up river bed




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