Monday, March 26, 2012


In exactly 28 days I will be completing my second year of studies at my university. In the next 28 days I have 4 more tests, 3 more papers and one final exam separating me from summer. I will also be leaving the country for 14 months in 38 days. Each day that passes, I get more and more anxious and nervous and I almost can't believe that this is happening. Ever since I started learning french I have wanted to go to Europe, and I've wanted to go back to Germany just because I feel like I have some connection there since it's where I was born, although I don't remember very much. I bought my plane ticket to Munich a week ago. I'm sorry, I just, have been waiting for this for so long no words I use could accurately describe this. I'm sad to be leaving my friends because I've made some great ones this year and I'm gonna miss them all like crazy while i'm gone.

So I guess what I'm saying is I'm under a lot of stress right now, trying to fit everything into the next month that I need to get done before I leave. I need to visit relatives and hang out with friends and go to appointments and finish this semester off on a good note. I'm going to make the most of the next 4 weeks and then I will be overseas living my dream.

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