Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Winter Coat

At my university we have this thing called Market Wednesdays, and all these shops bring out things to sell and there is music and sometimes special events. There is this one vintage stand I look through occasionally and today i happened to be just passing because I was going to meet a friend, when this coat caught my eye. I looked over and picked it up and it is a wool like texture, and nice and think for winter. I tried it on and it fit perfectly and I asked the owner how much, because I knew it was going to be something I couldn't spend money on. I was expecting 60 or so but it was 40. I told him I might come back for it later. After thinking about it for a while because although I had the money for it, I really didn't want to spend it since I'm headed to North Carolina in a few days. But I needed another coat and I'd be going to Paris and this would last me a long time. And it fits perfectly. This coat was basically calling my name, so i got it. It is so nice and i can't wait for it to get colder so I can wear it!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Saturday Love

Toro y Moi came to Tallahassee on tuesday with Bass Drum of Death and Unknown Mortal Orchestra and I got some photos i took at the show to show you!

These little kitties followed me when I went outside to get some air :3

Monday, October 10, 2011

In the past...

I am going through old photos and I found these and thought I would share. It's always a weird feeling to go through old photos, and not remember them being taken. Almost like it's a whole life you didn't know you had. Anyways the first one is of my sister and I when I was about 3 and she was just about a year old I think. Look at those matching sweaters; we were so damn cute. The second is when I went to my first football game. I was probably 6 or 7 and my sister i think was 4. I remember that outfit I was wearing because my mom started letting me choose my own clothes and I loved that shirt. The other two kids are the kids of the guy my mom was dating at the time. I wonder where they are now... And the last photo is my mom when she was pregnant with me and traveling with my dad in Germany. I think this is one of my favorite photos of my mother. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Too Long

It has been too long since I have posted anything. I have been crazy busy with school and haven't been taking too many photos lately. I just uploaded a few photos to my flickr and I am getting a bunch of film developed on my next paycheck. Can't wait to see how they turn out!